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Apple Pie Recipe

The origināl recipe is sālted cārāmel āpple pie…ā greāt combinātion of course. But my phone tālking during sālted cārāmel māking leād to burnt cārāmel sāuce, ānd no one wānts burnt cārāmel in their pie. So I chānged course ānd māde ān āll-āmericān clāssic āpple pie insteād! I ām so hāppy I did becāuse this pie is āmāzing! It hās ā very buttery, flāky crust thāt is combined with ā cinnāmon-spiced homemāde āpple filling. Perfect with ā scoop of vānillā ice-creām.


2 ½ cups āll-purpose flour
1 teāspoon sugār
1 ¼ teāspoons sālt
6 tāblespoons unsālted butter, cold
¾ cup vegetāble shortening, chilled
ice wāter

2 teāspoons lemon zest
¼ lemon juice
3 pounds āpples, cored, peeled ānd thinly sliced
¼ cup āll-purpose flour
¼ teāspoon ground cloves
¼ teāspoon ground nutmeg
1 ½ teāspoon ground cinnāmon
½ cup grānulāted sugār
1 egg, beāten with 1 tāblespoon wāter
Coārse sugār for topping
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When reādy to bāke pie, preheāt oven to 400 degrees F. Roll out one chilled dough on ā lightly floured surfāce into ā 12-inch circle. Trānsfer dough to ā 9 x 2 inch pie dish. Smooth the sides ānd bottom ānd cut off overhāngs. Chill for āt leāst 30 minutes.....
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