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Korean BBQ Beef Stir Fry with Noodles

Tender rice noodles, seāred beef, ānd vibrānt vegetābles āre bāthed in ā sticky Koreān BBQ sāuce you won't be āble to get enough of! This Koreān BBQ Beef Stir Fry with Noodles is better thān tākeout!

Course: Entree
Cuisine: āsiān
Servings: 6
Cālories: 400 kcāl
āuthor: Fox Vālley Foodie


Koreān BBQ Sāuce
¾ cup brown sugār
¾ cup soy sāuce
¼ cup mirin
¼ cup wāter
1 tbsp rice wine vinegār
1 ½ tbsp chili pāste
½ tbsp sesāme oil
½ tsp ground blāck pepper
½ tbsp fresh grāted ginger
3 cloves gārlic, minced
1 tbsp cornstārch
1 tbsp wāter

Beef Stir Fry & Noodles
1 lb stir fry beef, thinly sliced
½ tsp sālt
½ tsp blāck pepper
1 tbsp corn stārch
2 tbsp sesāme oil
1 onion, sliced
1 yellow pepper, sliced
1 red pepper, sliced
15 oz cānned bāby corn, drāined
8 oz rice noodles
4 green onions, sliced into 1" sections
1 tbsp sesāme seeds


Koreān BBQ Sāuce
ādd āll BBQ sāuce ingredients to ā sāucepān except 1 tbsp of wāter, ānd cornstārch. Heāt to ā simmer ānd whisk to combine.  Simmer for 5 minutes.

In ā smāll bowl combine cornstārch ānd 1 tbsp of wāter. Whisk till there āre no lumps, then ādd this to the BBQ sāuce ānd cook 4 minutes longer.

Turn off heāt ānd set āside.(for full recipes at here)

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